Someone finally stood up in Twitter-Wood Tuesday to counter Brett Ratner's rave reviews of "Catfish." You'll have to read on down to find out who it was, but the Monday-Tuesday window in our feed turned out to be a popular one for the critics to show up.
The first episode of the new "Hawaii Five-0" series caught some attention and at least one comparison to "Con Air," while Bristol Palin had fellow flyers clamoring to watch "Dancing With the Stars" at the airport where Patton Oswalt was hanging out. Check out what he thought about that, who wished Bill Murray a happy birthday and who's been getting prepped in case they ever make a Shake Weight movie after the jump.
I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is Twitter-Wood for September 21, 2010.
Twitter Pic of the Day:
@JohnStamos my first trip to juvie hall! watch GLEE premiere tonight- it's a really good episode.
-John Stamos, Actor ("E.R.," "Full House")
@OfficialKat On this day in 1950, Bill Murray was born. On this day in 2010, Kat Dennings sneezed and her cat was like "WUT"
-Kat Dennings, Actress ("Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist," "The House Bunny")
@KatzMoney Pretty sure HAWAII 5-0 pilot just ripped off the staging/lighting/cutting of a Mexican standoff scene between Cusack and Cage from CON AIR.
-Jeff Katz, Producer ("Snakes on a Plane," "Shoot 'Em Up")
@MalcolmIngram F--- the "documentary" CATFISH!. Its boring, mean spirited, ignorant and judgmental. F--- anyone who was involved in it on any level.
-Malcolm Ingram, Writer/Director/Actor ("Small Town Gay Bar," "Clerks 2")
@pattonoswalt Woman in Continental Airlines club is BEGGING the people in TV lounge to switch to DWTS. "I wanna see Bristol!"
-Patton Oswalt, Actor ("Ratatouille," "Big Fan")
@johnaugust I honestly enjoyed The Event pilot. Expensive. Pretty. But: a crashing plane, an island and a lot of flashbacks? Invites comparison.
-John August, Writer/Director ("Big Fish," "The Nines")
@DougBenson WAITING FOR 'SUPERMAN' - I cried like a kid denied an education. #EightWordsOrLess #OpensFriday #TheChildrenAreTheFuture
-Doug Benson, Actor ("The Sarah Silverman Program," "Super High Me")
@BrodyismeFriend It's a night shoot. RT @AriShaffir: On set of the Shake Weight movie with film star, @BrodyIsMeFriend.
-Brody Stevens, Actor ("The Hangover," "Blind Ambition")
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