A couple of veteran action heroes spoke up on Twitter in the last 24 hours to comment on their past accomplishments, and you may be interested to see how Sylvester Stallone feels about cheesiness, as well as how Arnold Schwarzenegger responded to an accusation that he sold out when he made "Junior."
Elsewhere, other headline news topics of the day showed up: Jim Carrey sent a message out to the miners in Chile, Todd Barry defended coverage of David Arquette and Courteney Cox's split, and Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter reacted to recent comments by Christine O'Donnell.
I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is Twitter-Wood for October 14, 2010.
Twitter Pic of the Day:
@THE_REAL_SHAQ I'm n da apple store, I almost got away wit dat new iphone just kidding go c randy and david they got u http://plixi.com/p/50602511
-Shaquille O'Neal, Actor ("Steel," "Blue Chips")
@TheSlyStallone When people label something" Cheesy" say thanks because it means sincerity and that's missing in todays films-Rocky is the king of cheese.
-Sylvester Stallone, Actor ("The Expendables," "Rocky")
@Schwarzenegger Now that's funny. “@Cinepub: @Schwarzenegger "It's appalling when anyone sells out": Then explain Junior!”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger, Actor ("Terminator 2: Judgment Day," "Total Recall")
Miners pt. 1: @JimCarrey I want to send a big shout of joy to the Chilean miners and their families! Que el resto de sus vidas seran bendecidas! o;^)
-Jim Carrey, Actor ("A Christmas Carol," "Bruce Almighty")
Miners pt. 2: @BrodyismeFriend These Chilean Miners have me craving the movie Glory Road.
-Brody Stevens, Actor ("The Hangover," "Blind Ambition")
@toddbarry CNN reporter said that Arquette/Cox breakup is "not the most important story in the world." I think we ALL beg to differ.
-Todd Barry, Actor ("Pootie Tang," "The Wrestler")
Christine O'Donnell pt. 1: @michaelianblack Totally disagree: Christine O'Donnell and Chris Coons both just said they support teachers.
-Michael Ian Black, Writer/Actor ("Run Fatboy Run," "Wet Hot American Summer")
Christine O'Donnell pt. 2: @mshowalter Quote of the day! "What I think is irrelevant." - Christine O'Donnell
-Michael Showalter, Actor/Writer (”Signs,” “Wet Hot American Summer”)
@SethMacFarlane I wonder what lurks in the eerie black void behind Charlie Rose.
-Seth MacFarlane, Writer/Producer/Actor ("Family Guy Presents: It's a Trap," "America Dad!")
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